Beware of the Flowers…John Otway







PHOTO PROMPT © The Reclining Gentleman

Peter was nervous but Import Export was his business, he was good at it.
Stern men of business stared across the table.
His nose itched. “Don’t touch it!” A swarm of thunder flies seemed to invade his nostrils. “Don’t pick it!”
The flowers on the sill grew gargoyle heads and spat at him. His nose dripped. Suddenly, he exploded a sneeze.
Tissues were distributed; faces and lapels wiped down.
“Hayfever,” he spluttered apologetically, pointing to the flowers.
“Mr. Ryan, very impressive credentials.” Peter relaxed.
“But we can’t offer you the position. We’re Borgen Horticulture Ltd, we buy and sell flowers.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


27 thoughts on “Beware of the Flowers…John Otway

  1. That’s through experience Rochelle, my nose always gets itchy at just the wrong moment, when you just want to have a good old rub and scratch at it, but it’d be embarrassing to do so.


  2. Hahahaha! Brilliantly described situation, and a perfect ending. Poor guy, though!
    These lines were most vivid:
    ‘His nose itched. “Don’t touch it!” A swarm of thunder flies seemed to invade his nostrils. “Don’t pick it!”
    The flowers on the sill grew gargoyle heads and spat at him. His nose dripped.’


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