Town versus Country







PHOTO PROMPT © Marie Gail Stratford

Tweaking his tie Brad told himself, “Go get ‘em country boy!”
In the corridor he was hit by a cocktail stink of shit and scent; people addressing company expenses excesses of the night before. He joined others in the lift.
“Christ! How much beer did the big guy sink last night?”
His stomach heaved. “No breakfast, need air.”
The sun beating off windows sizzled a pavement oyster at his feet. He turned too late, the image ingrained; a stench of baked dog turd and fast food restaurant bins stormed his nose.
“Sod the job, I’ll go back to the farm.”

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

29 thoughts on “Town versus Country

  1. You made me laugh there Sandra. That name for it has always fascinated me for some reason, I was just waiting for an excuse to use it but I do feel it’s unfair to oysters.


  2. I was trying to see if I could get that reaction so sorry but not sorry if you see what I mean. George Harrison used pavement oyster in one of his songs, can’t remember which. Thanks Rochelle.


  3. Thanks. I try to get a reaction when I right, sometimes a laugh, sometimes anger, sometimes sadness. This time Yeugh! 🙂


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