Tales from the Trestle Table






PHOTO PROMPT © Claire Fuller

David picked a hoop of nobbled bone from the shelf. “What’s this Granddad?”
“My first time at sea we caught a ferocious, white whale. Each kept a vertebra as a memento.”
David fingered a painted stone, “And this?” The grandfather’s eyes gleamed.
“That’s from Ringo for helping with the drumming on Blackbird.”
“There are drums on Blackbird?”
“Very subtle ones. That’s what Ringo struggled with.”
David pointed to some head-shaped ornaments.
“Shrunken heads we escaped with from cannibals in darkest Erewhon.”
David was wide-eyed, “How fantastic, Granddad.”
His mother smiled, “Yes, he returns a different hero after every car-boot sale.”

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here

47 thoughts on “Tales from the Trestle Table

  1. Thanks, I think for different reasons the young and old are more susceptible to the stories behind old and strange things. I need to read everyone else’s now to properly appreciate what you’re saying.


    • I think the generations connect well at times. Both have time for play while the parents work and do the chores etc. Thnaks for your comment


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