Revenge – Justice with Extra Chilli

I missed last week due to entertaining some friends who, coincidentally were French visitors. So thanks to Sandra for a very welcome and apt prompt. My friends are retired French farmers,  a group notorious for knowing how to use their tractors as weapons of protest.





PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

“Now you’re Mayor, you’ve put an extra charge on rubbish collection from our farms.”
“Unfortunately, that’s today’s world, the town can’t afford to come out.”
Giles’ incredulity sunk along with his derriere, into the overstuffed sofa .
He toed the luxurious shag pile and bawled across the huge mahogany desk.
“It can afford these new furnishings!”
“Different budgets. My predecessor let the place slide. A town needs to show the world the right image.”
Back home Giles filled his muck spreader with the contents of his bins and slurry tank.
Outside La Mairie, he set the spreader whirling.
“That’s re-decoration and image!”

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

31 thoughts on “Revenge – Justice with Extra Chilli

  1. Farmers are a very hardy lot. I wouldn’t want to tangle with them. Serves the self-serving mayor right. Nice story but my empathy goes to the other unwitting citizens of the town.

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