The Trouble with Moths…

Well I’ve managed another one. I haven’t posted lately as everything is hectic here and I couldn’t commit the time to commenting on others, so didn’t feel I should post mine. Hence I have two or three stories in the bank which will hopefully fit the next time we have a toilet or cold weather for a prompt. I hope you all enjoy this week’s effort and look forward to hearing your views.







PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Drab moths streamed toward the streetlight, like they had to her when she shone, clamouring to be close and desperate for transference of some of her butterfly colour.
They came mouthing exaggerated air kisses and contrived adulation and drowned her in “Darlings!” and “Looking absolutely gorgeous! Loved the show.”
But with the light fading, the moths deserted her for this year’s sparkle.
Tears of realisation trickled over her raw cheeks.
She slid down the lamppost to slump at its base but firm hands caught her and pulled her up.
“Why? It’s you. You’re here.”
“Always have been, didn’t you notice?”

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

61 thoughts on “The Trouble with Moths…

  1. Wow, really loved this one. The metaphor of the butterfly surrounded by moths is nicely done, as is that desperate feeling as your light and fame fades, then wrapped up happily with the one who’s still loyal, who always loved the her that was underneath and not her bright facade.

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