The Primary School Teacher






PROMPT © Douglas M. MacIlroy

They’d been her charges since they were five; now they were dispersing to higher schools. She liked to think with a good start. She was sending them out to bloom into the butterflies she hoped they’d become.
But today was sadder than the emptied playground.
This year one butterfly wouldn’t emerge. Melissa wouldn’t be graduating.
As her pupils waved goodbye, she imagined she saw the pretty smile and ponytails.
‘Why did it have to be her?’ But she knew she’d be asking the same for any of them. ‘Why did it have to be?’ Sometimes life just doesn’t proffer answers.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

62 thoughts on “The Primary School Teacher

  1. Because of the times, I too thought school shooting. I can’t imagine taking care of so many little ones and losing them in any way. Teachers must learn each kids’ personalities and love them, worry about them or just hope for the best.

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  2. Well told, drew us into the teacher’s perspective very forcefully.
    As my favourite poem, Don’t Quit, says, “Life is odd with its twists and turns, as every one of us sometimes learns.”
    My husband says that within a year of their Grade 12 Graduation, three of his classmates were dead. As the cliche says, “young men in the prime of life.”

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