Waiting on a Storm

First a prayer. Dear Lord, I beg of you, smite down this new WordPress with the smitiest thing in your armoury and return us to sanity. Thank you in anticipation Lord, Amen.

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields.

“Give my condiments to the chef,” said the portly man on Table 14.
“I will indeed sir, pass on your compliments,” the waiter replied.
“Not my compliments. Although I have a good store, I keep them reserved for deserving causes. My condiments, which are clearly superior to those he is using.”
The waiter thrust his nose in the air and headed for the kitchen. He returned presently,
“The chef says thank you and offers this gift in return. It’s a lateral flow test. He says there’s no accounting for taste, but lack of it, is a symptom of Covid 19.”

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

19 thoughts on “Waiting on a Storm

  1. Dear Michael,

    I love a good play on words and this most certainly is one with a last line that leaves no taste behind. I most heartily agree with your opening prayer. While I have signed a truce with WordPress, I’m not fond of the changes at all. I wish they’d leave well enough alone.



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