Duplicitous Old River







PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

The waters have calmed after the spring floods. The gentle old river has returned and tinkles again over the rocks, laps rhythmically against the ancient, algae stained, stone walls.
I watch a pair of dippers, chocolate headed and white bibbed, diving into the flow and bobbing up several feet further downstream, beaks clamped contentedly on caddis fly larvae and water boatmen.
My beautiful summer friend; so serene I almost forget and forgive its cruelty and carnage when in torrent.
Except there should only be one dipper, hunting for the other that should be sat on eggs the flood washed away.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here

42 thoughts on “Duplicitous Old River

  1. Thanks Rochelle, it’s a lovely picture that just makes you want to write as descriptively as possible to hopefully do it justice.


  2. Like the story, love the dippers.
    In Scotland we have coots and moorhen, similar little dudes, and great fun to watch.
    Apologies for the tangent, I enjoyed my visit!


  3. This is great, calming, beautiful. And in this idyllic nature scene you remind us of the tough facts of life. It is a constant struggle against the odds.


  4. A powerful, flowing piece of writing, Michael! Your sensory details were perfect. I could hear the river, I could see the dippers “chocolate headed and white bibbed, diving into the flow and bobbing up several feet further downstream, beaks clamped contentedly on caddis fly larvae and water boatmen.” Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s fantastic of you to say so, thank you very much. When I write I hope it works as I intended, but you never know until someone says it. So you can see how much your comments are appreciated. Thanks again. 🙂 I have a big smile on.


  6. Lovely descriptions, Mick. Nature takes a toll when spring begins. Mother dipper duck will lay again. Let’s hope that brood survives. We have a mother pigeon nesting on a windowsill who fights back. As soon as she gets one brood off and out, she lays another couple of eggs. 🙂 — Suzanne


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