The Face in the Wood

It is with great pleasure, I announce another long awaited, (in our house) addition to the family. We now have an ISBN number and my novel is launched, available to those interested, for pre-order on Amazon now.

Modern slavery is a burgeoning issue in Britain today but high up in his Canary Wharf office, Julian Ashton is oblivious to it all…that is until he steps away from the bank and finds himself unwittingly embroiled in the sordid underbelly of modern society.
When you’re a banker by trade, you’re going to need help fighting gangsters but with the police unable to act, Julian only has the local tramp to turn to.
Somehow, they must find a way to save a group of young women from the clutches of a violent people trafficker.
Their efforts to adapt and survive would be comic, if there wasn’t so much at stake.

And now for the reason we all come here, 100 words based on the following fantastic prompt supplied by © J.S. Brand 

Griff didn’t interact, he wasn’t good at articulating or expressing himself, other than when he sat at night, carving totems into logs by the light of the fire.
There was never a plan; he let the wood dictate where the blade went. Usually, the result would be a woodland creature or plant but today, he carved a face.
A face staring evilly at him. The face of the monster fleeing, the day Griff found the girl’s dead body.
Never happy with the description he’d supplied, he bagged the log, hefted it onto his back and headed for the police station.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.


50 thoughts on “The Face in the Wood

      • That’s so good to hear. As I’m sure you know, it’s difficult to judge what people will think of your writing. What reads well to you might be complete nonsense to others!! Reassuring to know at least one person ‘gets it’. Really hope you enjoy the second half.

        Liked by 1 person

        • To be honest I was a little anxious for two reasons, firstly I thought, ‘it’s not my genre,’ but that proved to be ridiculous, that’s a restriction we place on ourselves which prevents us enjoying so much more than we could. I knew this, so overcame it easily. The other was, ‘supposing it’s really bad and I have to be diplomatic and make up nice things to say,’ again this proved an unfounded worry because it is well written and the story is good. Any genre well written with a strong storyline will hook anyone, as has proved to be the case.


          • Haha, I can relate to the first one when trying to be supportive of other writers. So many books to read and you want to read those that interest you. On the other hand it is good to try something different now and then. On point 2, it’s a tricky thing to do without upsetting someone, but I would always rather have constructive, honest criticism than false platitudes, otherwise how will we ever improve. Having said that, I’m glad you’re enjoying the book so far! 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

  1. What a great take on the prompt Michael. Plus you’ve invented a new method of identification – the tree-fit! I’m not sure which branch of the police would take charge of it though.
    (I’m holding back several other equally pathetic jokes)

    Just looked at your About page and was pleased to see many of my favourite books there.

    Good luck with the book.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your new novel – that is such an achievement.
    Your FF story is beautifully crafted leading us from Griff the inarticulate – actions not words – to taking the evil carved face to the police as evidence. All of a piece – well done.


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