One Hundred Words of Solitude

In this time of lockdowns and isolation, the prompt reminded me of a poem I wrote several years ago, about a would be writer with writer’s block. He’s in a very negative  frame of mind, unable to find or see anything worthy of writing about. He calls on the muse to help him and they go for a walk. This is an abridged version, the original was called, ‘None so Blind as a Horse to Water.’ Alternatively, you could call it ‘Spot the Poem.’




I strolled with the muse and took the less travelled path. A poppy-eyed fiend stood ranting on a sailor’s torments at sea, probably collecting for charity and a chap in a clearing championed writing about a wasteland.

There’s nothing there!

Wearying, I would’ve sat down but for the daffodils covering the ground and the loon babbling about burning tigers. Another, demanded to go to the sea again and there on the beach a Walrus and a man named Lear, proposed writing nonsense.

More nonsense?

So, if I should die, think only this of me, I tried to write some decent poetry.

PHOTO PROMPT © Jeff Arnold

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

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