Unlucky Dip

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

The market, crammed with a thousand stalls, narrow aisles and crushing crowds, was a pickpocket’s paradise. Following complaints, the police were maintaining a hefty presence.

To avoid them, Clovis changed direction, simultaneously registering the barely perceptible glance of his wallet departing.

He considered a curly headed youth fleeing purposefully through the milling shoppers and when he judged the culprit was far enough away, pressed a button in his pocket.

The panicked shriek and frantic jig of the thief slapping at his spontaneously combusting coat, brought a chuckle.

“Always pleased to help,” he muttered, moving another wallet to his back pocket.

Written for Friday Fictioneers – a 100 words story based on a photo prompt. Hosted by Rochelle. Read the other entries here.

55 thoughts on “Unlucky Dip

  1. Swift and certain punishment is the best deterrent. I bet there would be way fewer pickpockets if this technique were allowed/employed. But then their would be an increase in home invasions, burglaries, car jacking, etc.

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